Cook Talk

Grad Open House
HS Graduation open house...planning for 120, 3-8 pm., vegetarian menu. Serving a locally popular rice/bean bowl with a commercially-made sauce and fresh toppings.  I followed your taco bar guidelines for amounts, but could you check? Serving size estimated at 1/2 cup cooked beans & rice (each):  black beans 10 lbs dry, rice 20 lbs (raw), tomatoes 12 lbs, shredded cheese 8 lbs, sliced olives 4.5 lbs, salsa 4 qt, avocado 25 lbs, cilantro 10 bunches, sour cream 4 lbs,  Figure 4 tbsp sauce per serving (it's thick), so 8 qts?
Will serve with salad, fruit, desserts, drinks.  Will have some bowls of chips, pretzels, candy. 
Also, using 8 qt pan to bake rice. How many lbs of raw brown rice can I cook at a time? Okay to convert kitchen recipe of 1.5 c rice/2.5 c water to quantity?
Amazing site!
black beans 10 lbs dry, OK, I might make 14 as it freezes

rice 20 lbs (raw), 16 plenty, takes 2 really large roaster pans. Boil on top of stove 8 minutes before putting in the oven.

tomatoes 12 lbs, shredded cheese 8 lbs, sliced olives 4.5 lbs, all OK

salsa 4 qt, at least 2 gallons
avocado 25 lbs, cilantro 10 bunches,

sour cream 4 lbs, Figure 4 tbsp sauce per serving (it's thick), so 8 qts? I usually do 7 pounds per 100

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