Cook Talk

spaghetti fundraider for 600 - Help
I have been asked to cater a fundraiser for 600 people. Menu Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, tea
the desserts are being donated.
Not sure where to begin on this large of a number. I would greatly appreciate your help, this is what I have so far:
Hamburger 114 lbs
Spaghetti 100 lbs
Onions 18
Tomato Sauce 12 #10 cans
Tomato Puree 12 #10 cans
Tomato Paste 5 #10 cans
These are the spices I will use for my sauce not sure of the quantities:
Bay leaves, Basil, oregano, Italian Seasonings, Garlic powder and minced garlic

Bread - do you figure 1 or 2 slices of bread per person?

Salad I am able to purchase salad mix from a local supplier that comes in 5 lbs packages

Ranch Dressing 6 gallons.

Also do you ever give advice on charging for catering?
Your help is greatly appreciated! :O)

Please see the spaghetti page. There is a spaghetti sauce for 1000, you could check the quantity for 1/2 for your sauce.

At the bottom of that page there is a spaghetti dinner for 50-60. Because of the large number you are serving, you can count it as 60. Do 10 times the amounts would be right for your fund raiser.

If you are charging for this, it depends on what you are doing, whether you are serving and cleaning up, etc. Post to the pro catering boards at;

By the way, for ease of prep and serving, you might consider the baked spaghetti under Basic Budget Entrees on the Big Pots page, or the Mozzarella sausage bake on the spaghetti page, which can be done with seasoned hamburger.
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