Cook Talk

Wedding for 150
I am planning a wedding for 150 in late October. Here it will be at least 85-90 degrees. The bride wants Lemonade, Iced Tea, Beer and a "Signature Drink" (alcohol based)served in pint Mason Jars. How do I figure how much of each I should make? She also wants a dessert bar in lieu of a traditional wedding cake featuring cupcakes, brownies, cookies, pumpkin and lemon breads, as well as a few varieties of pies. How much of all that do I need to prepare?
Tina Foley
For the Signature drink A Sangria might be nice easily made with cheap white zin, burgundy, cheap brandy and Hawaiian punch garnished with with citrus fruit slices. I have done it on the rocks in mason jars before my self..2parts punch to one part burgandy, one part white zin half part brandy...its pretty tasty.

On the desert I would do 50 servings of each item if there is booze some people will eat 3 pcs!

Thank you so much Tina for your input! I really appreciate reading your great advice! I spoke with the Bride and she does not want wine served since she is not a wine drinker. So I am thinking of another Signature Drink recipe that would be mason jar appropriate and am still baffled. I am gonna hold on to your recipe for Sangria though since I am a HUGE fan of it!;-)
The dessert quantity advice was super helpful and gives me a good direction to head towards. Thanks!
Hi, Sue, I would take a different approach to you dessert question.

You need to make the desserts so they do not crumble or drip.

You need one cupcake per person. Then assume that the guests will eat about 4 small pieces of the rest and cut, the brownies into 2-3 bite size pieces, make the cookies 2 inches or less across, cut the breads into 8 slices and cut each slice in half. Instead of pie, make mini tarts and in 2 flavors, apple and pecan are very popular.

Either a Margarita type punch, or a Long Island Ice tea type punch would be appropriate for you mason jars. Just keep in mind that these should hav about 1/2 soda, as people will drink a LOT and a full strength cocktail type drink is too heavy for this type party.

I steer away from red punches at weddings, a some always gets spilled, and it stains badly...

You might also look at the High Wire white wine sangria on this site, it has proved far more popular than the traditional red at our gallery openings- even among non-wine drinkers.

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