Cook Talk

wedding dinner for 250 do my quanties look right
30 lbs tossed salad
200 lbs chicken thighs and legs
30 lbs green beans
80 lbs red potatoes (roasted)
25 lbs broccoli ( for casserole)
40 doz rolls

Appetizer table
5 canatopes
1 watermelon
8lbs grapes
2 pineapples
8 lb strawberries
there will be various cream cheese with toppings served with crackers
spinach dip

Drinks tea sweet and lemonade 10 or 12 gals each
unsweet tea 6 gals
coffee and hot tea will be served also

Thanks for your help

Hi, Lauren,
Good work. Some things a little short, and you will need at least 2 appetizer service areas- 3 would not hurt-

This is what I would do:

30 lbs tossed salad-35
200 lbs chicken thighs and legs- cu about a quarter, as some will just want a thigh or 2 legs
30 lbs green beans- at least 50
80 lbs red potatoes (roasted)- 90
25 lbs broccoli ( for casserole)- at least 50 ready to cook. which is 60 regular
40 doz rolls- OK- add 6-8 pounds butter

Appetizer table
5 canatopes
1 watermelon
8lbs grapes
2 pineapples
8 lb strawberries
This is enough for about 100- go at least double

there will be various cream cheese with toppings served with crackers at least 30 pounds of cheeses and spreads, at least 15 pounds crackers

spinach dip- at least 4 gallons, 5 would not be too much, at least 16 pounds of bread bites, chips, etc.

Drinks tea sweet and lemonade 10 or 12 gals each- 12
unsweet tea 6 gals- OK
coffee and hot tea will be served also- use the amounts for dinner coffee on the beverage page
water- 16 gallons

Thank you for your help. I forgot to add there will be little shot glasses with dip and veggies in them. With that do you thin I still need to double the fruit?
It usually takes 1 pound per 5- see what you think.
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