Cook Talk

Estimates for 125 person buffet correct?
Hi there! I have done a lot of research on this website, so I am hoping my amounts are accurate. I would love your feedback!!
*125 people (possibly up to 150, though not confirmed yet)
*Scout function, so a little over half will be kids
My amounts are as follows:
Pulled Pork 40 # (ready to eat weight)
Pulled Chicken 25 # (rte)
(They will be served w/BBQ sauce in slider buns)
Macaroni and cheese, 4 gallons
Potato Salald, 3 gallons
Coleslaw, 3 gallons
2 flavors of cupcakes, 144 total

Do you think I am over or underestimating any amounts? I have about 3 weeks until the event. Many HUGE thanks to you and all you do, it is such a help to have this amazing resource!! Looking forward to your reply :-)

Your meat looks OK, no leftovers, for 120, very tight for 150
Don't forget the condiments, see the sandwich page.

Macaroni and cheese, 4 gallons- very short at 3/4 cup per person, you need at least 5 1/2 gallons
Potato Salad, 3 gallons- 4 1/2, unless these are cub scouts
Coleslaw, 3 gallons- 4, unless there is also tossed salad

I strongly suggest you add fruit trays, see the fruit tray page

You need to have 4 cupcakes for each 3 people- if you really may have 150, plan for it.

The parents would thank you for dinner coffee, see the dinner coffee amounts on the beverage planning page.

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