Cook Talk

planning a wedding of 150
Hi Ellen.My son is getting married on May 25,2013. We are serving mexican food. The menu is tamales,enchiladas,taco and nacho bar,rice,beans, lettuce,tomatos,sourcream,cheese and a fruit basket.tea and punch.Can you please help me with the amount of each food .I would hate to run out of food.and if you think I should add something please feel free to let me know !!!!thank you so much for your help.
tamales, 3 per person
enchiladas, 2 per person
taco and nacho bar, see the taco bar page, do for just 100, toppings are covered. 2 #10 cans nacho cheese sauce.

rice, 8 pounds dry per 100= 12 pounds
beans, 8 pounds dry per 100= 12 pounds

fruit basket- use 1 1/2 times the deluxe fruit tray for 100.

tea and punch, see the beverage planning page. Add dinner level coffee for the cake/dessert.

I would put the punch, fruit tray and chips with salsa and guacamole out as the appetizers.

A self-catered buffet is a real challenge to the organizers, and things don't always come together as smoothly as hoped. By planning and setting up an appetizer area or "nibble table" which is ready when the guests begin to arrive, the cooks and servers have time to complete the arrangement of the dinner buffet. This is especially critical if there are children among the guests, or there is a wait before dinner, as at a wedding reception.

This does not have to be complicated. Three items, including a fruit tray, a cheese tray and an attractive dip or spread, plus a punch, or two if one is alcoholic, are sufficient.

One appetizer service area is needed for each 100 guests.

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