Cook Talk

Wedding Recption for 150
I have been asked to prepare and serve food for 150 people for a Wedding recption in May for 150 people. The Wedding is at 1:30 in the afternoon. It has been years since I have done any of this and I need assistance.

The Brides and Grooms cake is being done by a family member who is also setting up a cookie bar and they want me to provide the milk for his no clue how much to purchase?

Veggie Tray
Cucumbers 6
Celery sticks 3 lbs
Carrots 4 lbs
Assorted peppers 2 lbs
Broccoli 3 lbs
Cauliflower 3 lbs
Tomatoes 4 pints
4 qts veggie dip
leave lettuce to garnish the trays

Ham & Turkey Sandwiches with cheese on a small roll (*do I plan for 150)

Chips & Salsa How do I figure the amounts

Cheese Tray
16 lbs of crackers
16 to 20 lbs of assorted cheese
will make 2 large cheese balls

They also want a chocolate fountain which the grooms mother has purchased 2 small fountains
planned on Strawberries 6 lbs
Pineapple chunks 1 #10can
Apples & Bananas need quantity
rice Crispy treats

Grapes red & Green 3lbs each Kiwi 8, blue berries 2 pints to set set separate from fountain.

**Grooms mother wants shrimp cocktail do you plan 2 or 3 per person and who much would you suggest.

DRinks: Pink Lemonade (brides favorite)
2 different types of tea.

FYI Grooms parents are paying for the reception.

Thank you for your help in my time of stress and getting back into the swing of it! :O)

Wedding Reception for 150
This is a pleasant mid-afternoon reception, less food than a full meal.

Milk- it has 16 cups per gallon- not everyone will take- about 6 gallons

Veggie tray is OK.

Sliders- for each 4 people, 3 ham and 4 turkey

Chips & Salsa- 1 pound chips per 10, 1 cup salsa per 5-6

Cheese Tray
16 lbs of crackers- too much, 12 is plenty, I would do 10
16 to 20 lbs of assorted cheese-OK
will make 2 large cheese balls- good

chocolate fountain, PLEASE see the chocolate fountain article for both set up/safety and amounts of dippers. One person must be continuously assigned just to monitor this. Cleanup is essential.

Grapes red & Green 3lbs each Kiwi 8, blue berries 2 pints to set set separate from fountain. Not enough fruit for a fruit tray, double the grapes and berries.

shrimp cocktail- you need 1 pound shrimp per 5 plus 1 cup cocktail sauce per 4; if this is not affordable, consider a shrimp dip or mold, 1/4 cup per person.

Pink Lemonade (brides favorite)-10 gallons
2 different types of tea- 10 gallons, about 1/3 unsweetened

If this saves you time, trouble or money, please consider a donation, maybe a dime per person, to support the site.

Patti- you need 2-3 kitchen people and at least 8 serveres to set up, serve, and clean up this party.
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