Cook Talk

Birthday Party
Hello Ellen,

Thank you in advance! I am looking at the following quantities: I know some of the items don't go but that is what my brother wants.... Ugghhh

40th birthday party- 60 people

Baked ziti- Using 10# ziti
Meatballs- 10#
Roast Beef (Sandwiches)- 10#
60 rolls

Garden salad- 15 heads of lettuce
Dressings- 1-1/4 quart each- 4 types

Macaroni salad- 8#
Pasta Salad- 8#

Parsley Red Potatoes- 15#
Green Beans- 12#

Soda- Cans- 3 per person

Thank you again.

Birthday Party-60 people
This is a tolerable menu, needs a little tweaking.

Baked ziti- Using 10# ziti- with the mac salad and potatoes, too much; do 6 pounds max; 5 is probably enough
Meatballs- 10#- I would do at least 12
Roast Beef (Sandwiches)- 10#- close- get thinsliced deli style
60 rolls Get 6 dozen- some extra
You need sandwich trimmings- do 1/2 the amount for 100 on the sandwich page
You need at least 4 pounds sliced cheese

Garden salad- 15 heads of lettuce
Dressings- 1-1/4 quart each- 4 types
See the plan for 100, you need to beef this up but decrease amounts. Use 2/3 of 100.

Macaroni salad- 8#
Pasta Salad- 8#
That's about a gallon each, plenty

Parsley Red Potatoes- 15# OK
Green Beans- 12# I would do 14

How about some fruit trays? 1/2 the deluxe tray for 100. Chips and dip? 1 pound chips per 12, 1 pint dip per pound

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