Cook Talk

Wedding for about 60
Hi Ellen!
We are helping with a small wedding with about 65-70 guests (adult)

The bride and groom are thinking of the following...Can you tell me if my amounts are ok?

5 lbs cheese
5 lbs crackers

1 1/2 lb carrot sticks
2 heads of broccoli (cut)
2 heads cauliflower (cut)
2 lbs dip

2 melons cut into cubes (cantelope)
2 honeydew melons cut into cubes
3 lbs grapes

for the main meal:
2 trays chicken riggies
2 trays ham
1 1/2 trays mashed potatoes
1 1/2 trays Utica greens
1 tray salad
90-100 rolls with butter

the cake and beverages are being taken care of by someone else. Your input is appreciated!

Sheila, what a pleasant party you have planned. I have added a few suggestions:

5 lbs cheese-OK some could be a spread, log, or dip
5 lbs crackers- 4 is plenty

Veggie tray is light, You could do one classic relish tray with some added raw veggies, with very good effect, see the veggie tray page.
1 1/2 lb carrot sticks
2 heads of broccoli (cut)
2 heads cauliflower (cut)
2 lbs dip

Fruit tray is a little scanty, see the fruit tray page and do at least 2 times the simple tray for 25
2 melons cut into cubes (cantelope)
2 honeydew melons cut into cubes
3 lbs grapes

for the main meal:
2 trays chicken riggies (about 40 servings)OK, none left
2 trays ham (about 40 servings)OK
1 1/2 trays mashed potatoes (about 35 servings- might want to go 2 1/2-3)
1 1/2 trays Utica greens (these also have meat, you have about 45 servings)
1 tray salad (about 40 servings)
90-100 rolls with butter- 3 pounds butter-OK

What you don't have here is anything for a vegetarian guest to eat, which is OK if you are certain there aren' any, but you might consider 1/2 tray of meatless cheesy pasta for insurance.

Hope this helps. If it saves you time, trouble or money, cansider a small donation, maybe a dime per guest, to help support this site. Thanks.

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