Cook Talk

Wedding Reception for 200
We are planning a wedding reception for approx. 200. It will take place at 4pm in June. I was so pleased to find the amounts on your website for various foods. We plan to have an ice cream bar as well as finger foods such as fruits, vegetables and other kinds of appetizers (not exactly sure on these yet). I can double the amounts you have for 100 but not sure we need enough of everything for 200 since we will have the cakes, ice cream bar, vegetable trays, cheese & crackers plus other finger foods. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
ice cream bar- do for 200 as outlined on this site. You need dry ice and 3 servers for this station.

fruits, do 1 1/2 times the deluxe tray for 100 on the fruit tray page
vegetables, consider doing 2 classic relish trays plus finger veg and ranch dip for 100, see the veggie tray page
cheese, 16-20 pounds, some can be logs/balls or spreads
crackers, 6 pounds per 100

other kinds of appetizers (not exactly sure on these yet).
Consider having 3 dips- 1/4 cup each, salsa, hummus, and 3rd of your choice; 1 pound chips/ pita chips per 12-15
Consider a tiny sandwich on a slider bun, 1 per person plus 10% OR 10 pounds small meatballs or sausae pennies plus 3 quarts sauce per 100

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