Cook Talk

Graduation Breakfast for students
Hello, I am seeking advice and recommendations for a graduation breakfast for 100 high school students and 30 or so staff members. Ideas need to be very budget friendly since we will be working primarily with donated funds/ ingredients. AND the dishes will need to be made off site and brought to the school. Thanks for any ideas you can offer.
Take a look at the festive brunch for 100 for some ideas. The breakfast planning page will help with juice, coffee, etc. Because of the way teens eat, I would estimate this as 150 people.

All the egg casseroles, baked French toast (great recipe on this site), strata, and impossible breakfast pies are possible, economical choices. Make sure some are , as you are sure to have some vegetarians. See if you can get a couple of cases of fruit yogurt donated- everyone eats it these days, and some stores will donate if they are going out of date (safe for a week after).\\Conratulations.

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