Cook Talk

wedding reception for 160 people
brittany McDougall
I'm having a recptio supper with approx 160 guest I'm serving turkey picin ham potatoes gravy veggies bakes brown beans potato n macronni salad bacon wrapped in water chestnuts potatoes sweet n sour meatballs then on tray have cucumbers tomatoes butter cheese olives pickles how much have stuff Willi need coffee tea coffee juice pop salt pepper
bacon wrapped water chestnuts- 2-3 per person
potatoes- don't know what this is? Tiny new potatoes, would be about 12 pounds
sweet n sour meatballs- 16 pounds, 5 quarts sauce
relish tray:
cucumbers- 12 pounds
tomatoes- grape or cherry, about 14 pounds
olives- 5 quarts
pickles- 5-6 quarts, some sweet, could do gardiniera for part
cheese, about 10 pounds
crackers, 10 pounds

turkey, 3/4 pound whole per person, see the turkey yield article in big pots for other cuts. LOts of advice about pre-cooking and reheating.
gravy, 1/4 cup per person
picnic ham- 36 pounds boneless

potatoes- 55 pounds
veggies bakes??? about 24 pounds ready to cook per 100, each veg
brown beans- 5 gallons

potato salad- In addition to cooked? that's a lot of potatoes; consider omitting
macaroni salad- 6 pounds dry pasta per 100 plus add-ins

rolls- 2 small rolls (3 ounces) per person
butter- 4 pounds

coffee tea, use dinner level coffee estimates from the beverage page for this, has all the add-ins, hot tea, decaf
tea- iced? about 10 gallons, about 1/3 unsweetened
juice- 1 quart per 4 estimated drinkers
pop- figure approximate number of users, then use the beverage planning page for amounts and how to select flavors

salt pepper- one each per table of 8

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