Joyce 06/05/14 |
Hi Ellen, just want to see what you think of our Menu. Kailua Pork, Rice, Baked Beans, Mac. salad, Potato salad,Cabbage Slaw,Green salad, Marinated Squash, Fresh Fruit, Hawaiian Rolls. Not sure on the amounts, alot of this is store bought so I can go by the amount on containers. We are going to put about 100 lbs. of boneless pork in the ground. |
ellen 06/06/14 |
Perfectly nice menu. Remember that for 150 people, self serve, you need about 175 servings. With 150 people, you will have some non-pork eaters, so plan a vegetarian option for them, too. Make some of the beans meatless. If this saves you time, trouble, or money, please make a donation, maybe a nickel or dime per guest, to support this site. Thanks. |