Cook Talk

Wedding for 130
First I would like to say that I am very impressed by your website! I was searching online for large recipes and came across your site.
We have a wedding coming up and just want to make sure we have plenty of food. We plan to serve pulled pork (butts) with rolls, chicken (mostly drumsticks and wings), hot dogs (for kids... About 15 children) with buns, Dolly Parton beans (pork and beans with ground beef and sausage), meatballs, tortilla pinwheels, veggie tray, cheese dip with chips, potato salad, coleslaw, green beans, yams, pasta salad, fruit salad, either banana pudding or a cobbler (we are having cup cakes instead of wedding cake). I would greatly appreciate your help with the amounts needed. Thanks for having such a wonderful site!
Oh I forgot to mentio that the reception will be about 5:30, so this will be dinner. Most items will be in roasters or large crockpots. Thanks again!
Dear Rhonda, I am sorry your request came while I was moving and offline! I hope this will be in time to help.

meatballs, - 10 pounds per 100, 3 quarts sauce per 10 pounds
tortilla pinwheels, 3 bites per adult
veggie tray, use veggie tray page, do for 100
cheese dip with
chips, 1 pound per 15, 1 pint dip per pound

pulled pork (butts) 1 pound per 5-6
with rolls, 5 rolls per pound meat
chicken (mostly drumsticks and wings), 1 piece per person
hot dogs (for kids... About 15 children)
with buns,
could skip, they will eat chicken- or 5 for every 4 kids

Dolly Parton beans (pork and beans with ground beef and sausage),
10 pounds dry beans to start
Please have at least 1 crock of meatless beans for any vegetarians in the crowd
potato salad, 5 gallons
pasta salad, 6 pounds dry pasta to start

coleslaw, 4 gallons
green beans, 4 #10 per 100, so about 5; or 28 pounds frozen
yams, 30 pounds ready to serve

fruit salad, consider fruit trays, easier, hold better and the leftovers are more usable; see fruit tray page

banana pudding or a cobbler - 1 9x13 for each 12 gguests

(we are having cup cakes instead of wedding cake).

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