Cook Talk

Wedding 220 Guests
Sandra Fraser
Cooking for 220 Wedding Guest just wanting to make sure my numbers for food will work.
Pork Loin Boneless - 100 lbs
BBQ Potatoes (sliced potatoes with green onion) - 50 lbs
Perogies - 3 per guest
Carrots - 50 lbs (will be sliced with honey and dill)
Tossed Salad - 25 lbs
Taco Salad - 25 lbs with all toppings
Buns - 30 dozen
Desserts - 75 of each having 3 different desserts
Pork Loin Boneless - 100 lbs-OK
Have at least a crock pot full of a vegetarian choice- with 220 people there will be some non-pork eaters
BBQ Potatoes (sliced potatoes with green onion) - 50 lbs- 70 at least
Perogies - 3 per guest-good
Carrots - 50 lbs (will be sliced with honey and dill)- OK

Tossed Salad - 25 lbs
Taco Salad - 25 lbs with all toppings-don't add chips, put on side

Buns - 30 dozen- at least 28 pounds, 6 pounds butter

Desserts - 75 of each having 3 different desserts
Make at least 90 each- with selection, people tend to take 2

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